Album Review: Mýa-Sugar & Spice

Posted by Mack of Sound-Savvy On 12:03 AM

Artist: Mýa
Album: Sugar & Spice
Release Date: 12.3.08

Well for starters I'd definitely classify myself as a huge supporter of the "underdog" AKA artists who seem to have just a little bit of spark but yet not quite enough to satisfy the masses. The album title alone put me in the mindset to expect something feisty & playful. Since she's been on & off the scene for a while now, I can see how some would foresee this album as a "Comeback"...But I'd categorize it as just a "Teaser"...

Sugar & Spice is Mýa's 5th studio release to date & while my expectations weren't necessarily set very high I did expect something that would establish her as relevant & not just another  beautiful girl whose content with below average record sales & being a mediocre caliber artist. While the album is indeed Sugary & Sweet there's no standout track and in terms of progression there's definitely a lack there of. 

Although the majority of the album is consistent in its content of effortless lyrics &  an abundance of mellow yet weary melodies; there's still something there that pulls me in. Yes there were a handful of failed attempts this go round; but there were also a few  noteworthy tracks that are undeniably catchy. Off the top Almost Naked  is by far my favorite; on this track she gives her audience a taste of  her maturity, where she floetically rides the beat & croons about letting her guard down in a relationship. It has more of an intimate feel in which I think her listeners will be able to relate.

With her radio single Paradise she makes an effort to introduce something different with tropical instrumentals & soft vocals, it's cute & serene but doesn't have enough jolt to be released as a single. The few uptempo tracks such as Back to Disco & Must Be The Music instantly took the R&B element out & put her in the category of popish teeny bopper music, the hooks had me reminiscing about those good old fashion skate parties but still failed to have me moving my shoulders to the beat. While she tries to spice things up with a hint of Caribbean flare in her rendition of Diana King's hit Shy Guy she still lacks individuality with her delivery.

While her strengths don't necessarily reside within her vocals & she's far from powerhouse status...I definitely have to admit that a few of the ballads have potential. Overall Sugar & Spice is just a 14 track anthem that silently screams..."hey remember me?" It has hit & miss written all over it but I'll give her a C+ for staying relentless with her approach...


1 Comment

  1. ODARA Said,

    LMAO!!!! you are so funny...I had to click on all them damn dots to see who was talking sideways...Should've known it was YOU!!!!

    Posted on December 15, 2008 at 12:34 AM


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