Artist: Pol-B
Album: Unsilenced
Release Date: 5.13.08 (available on

Preview some tracks on the Pol-B Myspace Page
Pol-B steps into the game with his independent debut, Unsilenced backed by his own independent label, Majeestyle. At first listen, you wouldn’t know this was the debut album from an independent artist. The production team brings the heat throughout while Pol-B delivers a
The album opens with Requiem, a mellow introductory track laced with clever metaphors. It’s an ode to the craft and sets the foundation for the album: For you I wear my heart on my sleeve, I know that you’ll never leave… Check the flow and the beat on Where Are They Now, an anthem that addresses the common threat to the common dream - that's right, the haters. For My Fly is a shout to those that, above all else, preserve the sexy even on the daily grind. Pol-B kicks it up a bit with the sexy hit for the clubs Uh Uh Uh, delivering an irresistible beat and infectious hook. Other highlights include Precision which establishes Pol-B as quite the wordsmith, and the soul-infused Lord Help Me, a nod to those making it through the struggle. My personal favorite is The Raw which includes a haunting sample of King Leonidas and the Spartan Army; there’s just an air of triumph that flows through the entire song.
This is not an album decorated with bling, or an oversexed project, nor is it fueled by any superficial beefs. The Drumatiks production team is featured on most of the album and brings just the right level of fire to the mix. Unsilenced returns hip-hop to its origins: infectious beats, lyrical dexterity, and a little something to make you move your feet. Pol-B is an independent artist that’s taken the reins of his career into his own hands by starting his own label, and is quickly takin this “itty bitty world by storm”… and he’s just gettin’ warm...
1 Comment
SOUND-SAVVY has it FIRST!!! Pol-B is the definition of success & determination. A product of Smith doing his thing. Folks keep ur ears tuned, cuz Pol-B is bout to make his mark known!
Posted on July 3, 2008 at 12:51 AM
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