Today's Motivation Muzik is a song that keeps me motivated all the time; it's the 3 keys to your indomitable spirit, and once you've found these ingredients within yourself, you can begin to unlock your potential. Trust me, I know. You've just "
gotta step out on faith". This weekend, some friends and I did a powerful exercise about realizing our visions, mapping out our dreams and stepping out to follow that map to our success. Remember, everything isn't meant for everybody, but there's something meant for each of us. Find out what you're meant to do, then DO IT with the God-given strength, courage and wisdom that rests in each of us. So with these words from India.Arie, I bid you a happy Monday and a joyous realization that today is the first day of the rest of your life...
Also on Sound-Savvy : India.Arie,
Motivation Muzik
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