With the most significant milestone just around the corner, I'll keep this one short and sweet. I want to thank you... the readers for being the fuel for Sound-Savvy's fire. Today, we've reached an amazing feat: 20,000 unique hits! On top of that, our monthly hit count is breaking new ground and getting higher and higher each month, and it's all because of you! From the bottom of my heart, Sound-Savvy thanks you for being a part of this wonderful community through your subscriptions, your comments, your e-mails and by passing the word along. Tell all your friends and fellow music enthusiasts about Sound-Savvy - let's keep building! Check back next week for the slightly more sentimental version of this... LOL. Those of you that know me personally already know I'm a sentimental guy! For real though... Sound-Savvy would be nothing without a great reader base like you, so I appreciate each and every one of you! Thank you!
Keepin' you sound-savvy,
Founder and Chief Content Editor
Founder and Chief Content Editor
2 comments and counting...
We LOVE sound-savvy.com If it wasn't as good as it is we wouldn't be here, so Thank You.
Posted on March 17, 2009 at 11:18 PM
Woo hoo! I can completely understand why so many people would want to come here. You offer a balanced and honest review of music and music news. I always come here before I go buy a CD to see what YOU have to say about it. Thank you for keeping me in the music loop Sound-Savvy!
Posted on March 19, 2009 at 12:13 AM
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