VIDEO: Beyonce & Lady Gaga - Video Phone

Posted by Mack of Sound-Savvy On 9:15 PM

This is definitely the most creative video from the I Am...Sasha Fierce collection. Beyonce brings in pop diva-on-the-rise Lady Gaga for a remixed and extended version of Video Phone. I couldn't help but notice that this is the most tame I've ever seen Lady Gaga in a music video. I guess they toned her down so Beyonce wouldn't be outdone. What do u think? And while you're at it, check out my homie The Glamour Whore for her thoughts on the vid!

2 comments and counting...

  1. E O Said,

    They could've just edited Lady Gaga out of that video for me. I mean, "Hubba, Hubba", really? LOL

    Good video overall though...entertaining, which most videos fail to be nowadays.

    Posted on November 17, 2009 at 6:19 PM

  2. Stacy Morley Said,

    Thanks foor a great read

    Posted on June 23, 2024 at 11:52 PM


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